1 Jobs found
Used filters: - Ballincollig Youth/Social Projectx
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Company Ballincollig Youth/Social Project
in Ballincollig
16.01.2025 Updated on: 01.02.2025
Ballincollig Youth and Social/Project is currently recruiting for the position of Community Employment (CE) Supervisor. We are seeking a CE Supervisor to ensure the effective and efficient management and co-ordination of the human, financial and materials resources of Ballincollig Youth and Social project CE scheme and report to the Sponsoring Committee on its Implementation. A core aspect of the role is to support and coach CE participants towards gaining the skills, competencies and qualifications in preparation for employment.Essential:1 Year of employment support worker Experience.Major Award QQI Level 6 Certificate or Higher in Business/Financial/Administration, Training,Human Resources, Project Management or related disciplines (incl. Higher Advanced Certificate &National Craft Cert...