Jobmonitor. Search results for St. Paul's Retreat, Mount Argus

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  • Company St. Paul's Retreat, Mount Argus in Dublin
    08.03.2025 Updated on: 09.03.2025

    The Mission Statement of Mt Argus Parish is to be a living parish where:All will feel welcomeEveryone will be appreciated and encouraged to use their gifts.People and priests work together to develop a community and compassionThe Passionists are a group of men, both ordained and non-ordained, who live in community andannounce to the women and men of our times the Gospel of Christ. This community of apostles was foundedby St. Paul of the Cross (1694-1775).The founder saw in the Passion of Jesus “the greatest work of divine Love” and the revelation of the power ofthe Resurrection to overcome the forces of evil. He bequeathed to his followers the task of announcing to theircontemporaries the love of God for each and every person shown in the passion and death of Jesus who rosevictorious on Ea...

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